ARIZ Precision Medicine

Category: Biomedical Research

Description: ARIZ Precision Medicine is pre-clinical stage company aiming to selectively target and destroy early-stage drivers of cancer, such as the deregulated PRDM genes and proteins that were previously deemed “undruggable”. ARIZ set out to prove that cancer cells with PRDM abnormalities could be individually targeted and destroyed without harming normal cells by utilizing knowledge of the PRDM gene family, proprietary siRNA constructs and innovative drug delivery nanotechnologies to target these cancer cells. Proof of principle studies confirmed that this approach selectively killed multiple types of cancer cells (breast, colon, lung, myeloma, etc.) thus ARIZ is continuing in the development of new drug candidates for cancer by pushing these products to testing in animal models of cancer. This will give ARIZ compelling data and intellectual property to share with pharmaceutical companies and, thus, enter into strategic partnerships to take our products to the clinic and then to market. Ultimately, through these efforts, ARIZ intends to cure cancers in a way that preserves a patient’s quality of life and avoids the harmful and adverse effects of current therapies. ARIZ is located in Davis, California and benefits from the combined knowledge of a board of experts in PRDM genes, drug delivery and drug development.


City: Davis, California

Founded: 2015


Antibodies Incorporated


Ask Geri Inc.