Got an Idea for a Medical / Life Science Startup? Join the Startup Challenge!

September 27th - 29th

The Startup Challenge: Catalyzing Healthcare Innovation

Transform your medical or life science concept into a viable startup during an intensive weekend focused on EXECUTION, not just theorizing. We'll guide you in advancing your healthcare innovation from idea to impact!

What you'll accomplish:

• Assemble a cross-functional team or join forces with like-minded innovators

• Validate your solution with potential users, clinicians, and industry stakeholders

• Present your progress to a panel of experts and win prizes

Weekend Itinerary:

• Friday Evening: Form interdisciplinary teams around promising healthcare ventures

• Saturday: Conduct stakeholder interviews, refine your value proposition, and pivot based on real-world feedback

• Sunday: Receive mentorship from industry veterans to craft a compelling pitch for the judging panel

The team demonstrating the most promising evidence-based approach and potential for clinical impact will emerge victorious!

Ideal for researchers, clinicians, bioengineers, and aspiring health-tech entrepreneurs at any stage. This is a cornerstone event in Sacramento's burgeoning medical innovation ecosystem.

Ready to accelerate your healthcare startup? Join us and start INNOVATING!

Register: Eventbrite


Using AI in Shape Analysis for  Biomedical Research